Tuesday, December 14, 2010


All I want to share with all of you the following song. I really like it!

Why - Avril Lavigne

Anything but ordinary

"Anything But Ordinary"

Sometimes I get so weird

I even freak myself out

I laugh myself to sleep

It's my lullaby

Sometimes I drive so fast

Just to feel the danger

I wanna scream

It makes me feel alive

Is it enough to love?

Is it enough to breathe?

Somebody rip my heart out

And leave me here to bleed

Is it enough to die?

Somebody save my life

I'd rather be anything but ordinary please

To walk within the lines

Would make my life so boring

I want to know that I

Have been to the extreme

So knock me off my feet

Come on now give it to me

Anything to make me feel alive

Is it enough to love?

Is it enough to breathe?

Somebody rip my heart out

And leave me here to bleed

Is it enough to die?

Somebody save my life

I'd rather be anything but ordinary please.

I'd rather be anything but ordinary please.

Let down your defences

Use no common sense

If you look you will see

that this world is a beautiful

accident, turbulent, succulent

opulent permanent, no way

I wanna taste it

Don't wanna waste it away

Sometimes I get so weird

I even freak myself out

I laugh myself to sleep

It's my lullaby

Is it enough?

Is it enough?

Is it enough to breathe?

Somebody rip my heart out

And leave me here to bleed

Is it enough to die?

Somebody save my life

I'd rather be anything but ordinary please

Is it enough?

Is it enough to die?

Somebody save my life

I'd rather be anything but ordinary please. oh

I'd rather be anything but ordinary please.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Volunteer Programs in Costa Rica.

Costa Rica has been known as a natural paradise and actually has been considered one of the world leaders in Volunteer Programs. If you search on internet about a volunteer program in Costa Rica, you will find a lot of programs. All of them have different purpose as educational programs, help children who have a metal problem, help people when there are natural disasters, biodiversity (plants and animals under protection). People who subscribe to any kind of volunteer program, they live by the principles of these organizations and they try to disseminate or spread a lot of information about what are they doing, their principle, values and purpose and how they have different alternative ethic or different moral principle, depending in with kind of organization everyone are trying to bring a piece of their energy and love for the corresponding purpose truly live by everyone. For example, there are Nationals Park Services in Costa Rica, they work under park rangers and do maintenance and other kind of activities, and sometime they can split their volunteering between parks. They must be trained to tame or control different conflicts and deal with people who did not understand why they are protecting something; ever we will find people who did not understand simply house-and-garden rules or didn’t have a common sense about something.

Please find below sentences requested:

1 gerund as subject
Helping is a very interesting hobby for a lot of people around the world.

1 infinitive as subject
To care human being dignity is one of the most important principles in our world.

1 verb followed by a gerund (object)
She stopped working for a volunteer program in Costa Rica.

1 verb followed by an infinitive (object)
They decided to go to Costa Rica Nationals Parks.
Best Regards,
Priscilla Sanchez.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Spiritual renewal

What is spiritual renewal? Is it a new religion? Absolutely, No, it isn’t a new religion, but some religions foster this kind of ideas as an enacted a law or something like that. Spiritual renewal is a synonymous of revival; people take on volunteer new life style, which they make thing like fasting in order to achieve a something, like to foster humility and gratitude. People how do these kinds of things feel a spiritual well-being and do not have so hectic days as our common days. Fasting need a strong will to achieve the aim, because sometime could be very difficult to affront the obstacles funded in the way. For example, the Monasticism is a religious way of life characterized by the practice of renouncing worldly pursuits to fully devote one's self to spiritual work, so they are constantly in a spiritual renewal process.

Best Regards,

Priscilla Sanchez

Saturday, October 23, 2010


What is self-esteem? It is how people perceive themselves and their self value. In others words, is the way each people think or feel about themselves, some words that describe this word are: self-respect, or self conceit. During the movie Blind Side, there was a man named Big Make, at the beginning of this movie he can be described as someone with lack of social skills, aloof, distant, reserved, reticent or withdrawn. He received a lot of support and he became part of the family as result increase his self-esteem. He really appreciates all the support received and became more social and learns to express his feeling. At the end of the movie, Big Mike was happy, improve his communications skills and became more as an outgoing person, his had a positive attitude. Everyone have different personalities and sometimes is so difficult to understand why people have some behavior or why they think so strange, but at the end each one have a reason and we should try to understand these situations.

Sentences Requested:
- The bed which was in his room was bigger.
- Mike has a friend who like to negociate.
- I want to know the name of the city where Mike was born.

Whether honesty is always the best policy

How can we define the word honesty? I think that there is not a unique definition, anyway there are a lot of words relate to this concept which could help us to understand what honesty means, some of these words or phrases are the followings: telling the truth, being sincere, trustworthy, and honorable and many others words. In our sociality is very difficult for a lot people to be honest, they constantly are trying to inflated what are they saying or conceal critical information in order to manipulate other people´s opinions. These kinds of people usually are trying to trick peers, classmates, parents and any other person who they met, for this reason they are known as two-faced, this means that anyone cannot trust them. These people usually are tattling on each other, lying and misleading about anything, and sometime they intrusive the private life of other persons. These are very common and disappointed behavior in our world. In conclusion, being an honest person is something very important, but nowdays is so difficult to find a trustworthy person.
Please find below the link to a video named Honesty, I hope you can enjoy it.

Addictive Personalities

Now day people are overwhelmed by the huge amount of text messages, e-mails, phone calls, and other things, in order words people are being bombarding with by a lot of information, data and question. So, people are having compulsive behavior because they cannot control how much time they have been spent surfing the Internet, this means that they are devoting much time buying stuff and downloading music, videos, images and many other things, causing a decrease in their social interactions. These kinds of issues are coming out, so we can confirm that surfing the internet is becoming an addiction in our sociality, and many people are trying to overcome their anxiety attacks when they have more than two hours without Internet connection, they feel empty and depressed. I really think that it kind of people should go to weekly support groups; this one could help them to increase their social interactions. Therapies are coming out as a result of the amount of people who need personal help to overcome a lot of addictions in order to have a better metal health.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Welcome to my Blog

Please find below my opinion about different topics.